Jerusalem Artichoke ‘Dwarf’ pack of 6 small tubers
A fantastic true dwarf variety with red skins growing to 60cm it is ideal for exposed sites and small gardens.
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Jerusalem Artichoke ‘Dwarf’ is a wonderful and unique member of the Helianthus tuberosus family. Plants grow about 50-60cm tall and tubers have a vivid red skin, creamy white flesh and delicious flavour. Most of the tubers form a nice clump and are lifted in one go, making this less invasive than a regular Jerusalem artichoke as very little left in the soil after harvest. Great for small spaces and exposed sites as they don’t need staking and don’t shade out other plants. These are definitely on our favourites list and have produced a really good yield. Supplied as a pack of six 5-8 cm tubers.
Jerusalem Artichoke ‘Dwarf’ was developed in the Netherlands and truly has a dwarf habit. We really like this one as it is much easier to harvest and tubers are lifted in one clump not leaving much behind, making it easy to spot any tubers left in the soil. Our site is very exposed and these have survived all kinds of extreme weather without being knocked down and have positively thrived and produced a very good yield for us.
Caring for your tubers
Jerusalem Artichoke ‘Dwarf’ tubers can be planted direct and will remain dormant in the soil until spring, or can be potted up in slightly damp compost during autumn and winter to stop them drying out until they are ready to be planted out.
How to grow
Jerusalem Artichoke ‘Dwarf’ tubers can be planted 10-15cm deep and about 30cm apart in a bed with a good mulch of compost. Plant in a sunny position, tubers will show their first shoots in spring, produce their top growth in summer and foliage will die back at first frosts in autumn.
Harvest tubers once top growth has died back in autumn. Tubers are hardy and can survive well in the ground, so you can stagger your harvest, just lifting plants as and when needed. These make a great winter staple crop.
Propagate more plants
Save some of your best tubers for re-planting. Tubers left in the ground, will -re sprout, or you can rotate to a new site. Because these are less invasive, you can easily move them around and follow them with a different crop if you wish.
How to Eat
Jerusalem Artichoke ‘Dwarf’ is delicious slow roasted in the oven, or can be made into a delicious soup.