Kandahar giant cress – pack of 200 seeds
An rare annual super sized cress originating from Kandahar, Afghanistan. Although not a perennial, it deserves a place as an Incredible Vegetable and you can help the variety survive by easily saving your own seeds.
25 in stock
Kandahar giant cress ( Lepidium spp.) is a lovely annual to grow. It is a rare supersized cress originating from Kandahar, Afghanistan, growing 3 or 4 times larger than the common garden cress. Although we usually only offer perennials, this cress deserves a place as an Incredible Vegetable and the more people growing it will help ensure that it will survive into the future. Rescued from a seed bank, It has been brought back from the brink thanks to the pioneering work of the Experimental Farm Network. We have produced a small batch of seeds ourselves this year so are really pleased to offer them.
How to grow
Sow Kandahar giant cress directly in a well prepared bed after danger of frost has passed. You can do this successionally throughout spring and summer. Space plants at least 6 inches apart for large leaf size, or at a greater distance if you want to produce plants for seed on a larger scale. Plant in a well ventilated area if possible, to avoid mold issues. We have found that plants survived colder periods when grown in a polytunnel.
Harvesting and propagating
Leaves can be harvested by snipping off the green tops. Plants are slow to bolt, so you get a reasonable harvesting period. Let some of your plants flower and produce seed pods, you can collect an amazing amount of seed this way and they will also self sow if seeds are allowed to fall around the plants. This is easy to do and will help perpetuate this rare form of cress.
Cooking and eating
Leaves are lovely and peppery and make a wonderful addition to salads or as a garnish