Sweet Violet – Viola odorata
Sweet violet – Viola odorata, a useful perennial ground cover plant with edible leaves and flowers.
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Category: Plants & Cuttings
Tags: agroforestry, edible flower, ground cover, hardy, leaf, perennial, permaculture, salad, tea
Sweet violet – Viola odorata. Evergreen perennial growing 20 cm (8″) high. The leaves, flower buds and flowers are all edible raw, flowers are wonderful for crystallizing and using for cake decorations or can be used to decorate salads and a tea can be made from the leaves. Variety with highly perfumed purple flowers which appear in spring. Tolerant of quite shady conditions, they can be an incredibly useful, beautiful AND edible ground cover. They will slowly form a carpet between other plants and can easily be propagated through divisions.