Vegetable mallow potted plant
A very useful self sowing ANNUAL and a robust low maintenance alternative to growing spinach.
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Vegetable mallow or Chinese mallow (Malva verticillata) is a self sowing ANNUAL and a robust alternative to growing spinach. It has been in cultivation for over 2000 years and is a useful plant to add to a polyculture garden; in a mixed planting of perennials and annuals, vegetable mallow will self sow each year, giving you an abundance of spinach like leaves that are best cooked. You can also easily save the seed, the plant produces tiny flowers and seeds at the end of the season. Your plant will produce masses of curly edged leaves, some the size of your palm, which can be wilted down and tossed in butter. Plants can grow 4ft tall and will thrive in sun or part shade, they will also do quite well in containers. They lend themselves to so many dishes, soups, tempura or steamed, sauteed. Once they get going they are far more resistant to slugs and need a lot less water and attention than regular spinach and you will be able harvest leaves over a long period.