Patience dock – Rumex patientia small bare root division
A hardy herbaceous perennial vegetable native to Southern and Eastern Europe with a tangy flavour similar to sorrel. A bare root division is a root section with a growing tip divided from our two year old plants. Patience dock is a herbaceous perennial that dies back in winter and re emerges in spring. Divisions can be planted out now.
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Patience Dock – Rumex patientia is a hardy herbaceous perennial vegetable native to Southern and Eastern Europe. In Spring, when the leaves are tender, they are commonly added to soups, salads, casseroles, and stir fries. It has a tangy flavor similar to sorrel but leaves are soft when cooked. Traditionally large leaves are par-boiled and stuffed with different fillings then cooked in sauce (like stuffed cabbage). Although still widely eaten in Southern Europe, its use in Britain began to wane about 200 years ago. Also referred to as “monk’s rhubarb,” it is also known to have many medicinal qualities. Once plants are well established, they can be divided, but to obtain multiple harvests, the whole plant can be cut down several times to produce new tender leaves during the growing season. Flower stalks should be cut before seeds ripen if you don’t want it to sow itself around your garden. Plants can grow in sun or part shade, plant about 50cm apart.