Perennial wall rocket olive leaved – Diplotaxis tenuifolia plug plant
Perennial wall rocket – olive leaved Diplotaxis tenuifolia is a short lived perennial and self sowing salad leaf with a fiery flavour which is excellent in salads. It can be harvested several times and cut back after flowering for a flush of new leaves.
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Perennial wall rocket – olive leaved Diplotaxis tenuifolia is a short lived perennial salad leaf with a more fiery flavour and than salad rocket ( Eruca sativa). This olive leaved variety has smoothed edged leaves resembling the shape of olive leaves and certainly packs a punch. Belonging to the Brassica family, it is native to Europe and the Mediterranean region and has naturalised in many temperate regions. Unlike salad rocket which is quick to bolt, perennial wall rocket can be harvested several times and will produce more leaves even after flowering. You can cut the plant down to encourage a bigger flush of new leaves now and again. It will also self sow and you will find it popping up in the nooks and crannies of your growing space once it is introduced. It can survive down to about -10c and will thrive in sun or part shade and prefers free draining soil. Space plants about 30cm apart, they can reach 50-60cm tall and have a woody stem and a bit of a floppy growth habit. It can also be grown successfully in containers. Leaves can be used in salads, sprinkled on pizzas or made into a delicious pesto. Flowers are edible too. We have found this variety to respond very well to being cut back, with a flush of new foliage re-appearing within a couple of weeks after cutting.