Saltbush – Atriplex halimus potted plant
SUPPLIED AS A PLANT IN A 1L POT Saltbush – Atriplex halimus is a shrub with highly nutritious leaves which can also be used as a hedge.
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Saltbush – Atriplex halimus is an evergreen shrub with silvery-grey leaves to 2m (7 ft) high. The leaves & shoots can be eaten raw or lightly cooked with a pleasant salty taste and can be harvested most of the year, can also be used as a seasoning, or prepared like kale crisps in the oven with a little bit of oil. The leaves are highly nutritious. Needs sun to thrive and not too acid a soil and also makes a wind resistant low growing hedge. A very useful forest garden plant. You can pinch out the growing tips to help the plant become more bushy. Plants may lose some leaves in winter. You can take cuttings by snipping woody sections of stems with a shoot and potting them up with compost and fine grit and placing a clear bag over them.