Sochan – Rudbeckia laciniata dormant potted plant
Sochan – Rudbeckia laciniata or Cut-leaf coneflower, a hardy herbaceous perennial which has been traditionally used as a spring vegetable in Cherokee cuisine. Rudbeckia laciniata is a herbaceous perennial and is dormant over the winter, plants will be dormant on arrival, but can be planted now and you will see new growth in the spring.
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Sochan- Rudbeckia laciniata or Cut-leaf coneflower or wild golden glow has been traditionally used as a vegetable in Cherokee cuisine. A vigorous hardy herbaceous perennial. The spring basal leaves can be used as a spring greens and a further harvest of leaves is possible in the autumn if plants are cut back after flowering. Flowering stems can reach up to 3m in summer with distinct yellow flowers loved by bees. The plants can form very large clumps over time, you can lift and divide the plants in autumn if you don’t want the clumps to become too large. It will also self sow, so again cut back flowering stems if you don’t want too many seedlings appaearing, although birds do love to feast on the dried seed heads in winter. If you have a more wild or marginal area you can let it romp away! It gets several pages dedicated to it in Sam Thayer’s book ‘Incredible Wild Edibles’ and he raves about it as an edible plant.